[writer’s blog] entry #4

  [This series is a play on ‘writer’s block’.] There is a word that annoys me so much. Huh? Yes. Huh. And apparently, I’m not the only one annoyed with it. Huff Post’s culture writer wrote a piece about it some time ago: “Honestly, I never want to hear the word ‘huh’ again”. Whether it’s…

[writer’s blog] entry #2

[This series is a play on ‘writer’s block’.] [This may or may not be a trope.] So I spent the entire morning disinfecting and cleaning my kitchen counter. This saga started a few days ago when I noticed a baby cockroach crawling on the kitchen floor. I went into immediate panic and sprayed it with…

[writer’s blog] entry #1

[Note: starting a new corner with this post called…Writer’s Blog, an obvious play on writer’s block; it will be more personal thoughts though I can’t promise it won’t lead back to anything-fangirling.]     I was never one to go around carrying a chip on my shoulder, wanting to take on all the world’s problems…